The New York Dose Events

Missed a Dose experience with us? No worries, click a pic and go through the memories! (Just don’t forget to join us for the next one)


Mona scott-young

We had a blast chatting with the Media Mogul herself Mona Scott-Young, at the Launch of her new venture and her first ever novel titled "Blurred Lines”. Many of you know her as the creator of the hit franchise reality TV show ‘Love and Hip Hop” , but mama Mona just added author to her list ! Tune in as we dive deep into what this book is all about! We also take her back on The NYC Subway line and transfer from train to train to get to know Mrs. Scott-Young on a more personal level. Click below to watch our full video from this dope event!


dominican heritage night

Big Thank you to The Dominican American National Foundation for allowing us to be apart of such a monumental night! The Dominican American National Foundation presented its first ever Dominican Heritage Night powered by Hennessy V•S•O•P Privilege at Citi Field with the New York Mets and we feel so incredibly honored and grateful to have been given the opportunity to cover this event! We chatted with so many of you beautiful people, danced and waved that beautiful Dominican flag all night!


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